Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Anne Gorrick and Charles Stein

Please note the following date change:
Cadmium on Saturday, February 9th has been canceled due to snow, but we're rescheduling for next Saturday, February 16th. 
In the meantime, drink some tea, make some snowangels, write about how the air smells... 

Saturday, February 16, 2013 at 2pm

The Gallery at R&F Handmade Paints
84 Ten Broeck Avenue
Kingston, NY 12401

A $5 donation is suggested. For directions please visit R&F’s website.

Anne Gorrick is the author of: I-Formation (Book 2) (Shearsman Books, Bristol, UK, 2012), I-Formation (Book 1) (Shearsman, 2010), and Kyotologic (Shearsman, 2008).  She collaborated with artist Cynthia Winika to produce a limited edition artists’ book called “Swans, the ice,” she said with grants through the Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, NY, and the New York Foundation for the Arts.  She has also collaborated on large textual and visual projects with John Bloomberg-Rissman and Scott Helmes.  She co-curates, with Lynn Behrendt, the electronic journal Peep/Show at www.peepshowpoetry.blogspot.com  Her visual work can be seen at: www.theropedanceraccompaniesherself.blogspot.com.  She is currently working on a manuscript of long poems based on perfumes, and she curates this reading series. 

Charles Stein's work comprises a complexly integrated field of poems, prose reflections, translations, drawings, photographs, lectures, conversations, and performances.  Born in 1944 in New York City, he is the author of thirteen books of poetry including From Mimir's Head (Station Hill Press), a verse translation of The Odyssey (North Atlantic Books), and The Hat Rack Tree (Station Hill Press). His prose writings include a vision of the Eleusinian Mysteries, Persephone Unveiled (North Atlantic Books), a critical study of poet Charles Olson’s use of the writing of C.G. Jung, The Secret of the Black Chrysanthemum (Station Hill Press), and a collaborative study with George Quasha of the work of Gary Hill, An Art of Limina: Gary Hill's Works & Writings, Ediciones Poligrafa. He holds a Ph.D. in literature from the University of Connecticut at Storrs and lives with guitarist, choral director, and research historian, Megan Hastie in Barrytown New York.  His work can be explored at www.charlessteinpoet.com

In the Gallery at R&F:

Julie Hedrick's Rome will have an opening reception on Saturday, February 2nd from 5-7pm.  The exhibition runs through March 23rd, 2013.
The paintings of Kingston artist, Julie Hedrick, are deceptive. Hedrick paints atmospheric auras that, at first glance, appear to be very simple, minimal fields of color. But variations in tone and her use of impastos give the work a complex, veiled, glowing appearance, where colors and light appear to be shifting, vibrating and transforming within the picture space. Light emanates from the depth of Hedrick’s paintings, pulling the viewer in and surrounding them with the energy of a spiritual place. The artist reminds us of our connection with the universe and our inner selves by inviting viewers to slow down, reflect, and re-energize. For her first show at the Gallery at R&F, Hedrick has created a new series of frescoes inspired by Rome.