Monday, May 14, 2007

Steve Hirsch, PF Potvin, and R. Dionysius Whiteurs

June 9, 2007 at 2pm
The Gallery at R&F Handmade Paints
84 Ten Broeck Avenue
Kingston, NY

A $5 donation is suggested.

For directions please visit R&F’s website at

Steve Hirsch is a poet, musician, electronic publishing guru, and editor/publisher of the literary magazine Heaven Bone. He studied writing and drama at Naropa Institute in Boulder, CO, where he was a student and apprentice of Allen Ginsberg and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. He has been leading poetry workshops and giving poetry readings nationally for over 25 years. Steve is the author of Ramapo 500 Affirmations (Flower Thief, 1998) and he has had poems appear in Hunger, Napalm Health Spa Report, For Immediate Release, Pudding, Big Scream, Hazmat Review, Muse Apprentice Guild, and Etcetera.

See Steve's work here:

PF Potvin is a writer, musician, and ultramarathon runner who is looking forward to returning to Vermont after a stint in Miami. He is the author of The Attention Lesson (No Tell Books). Currently, he is at work on a multimedia project and a novel. Visit him at

Check out PF's work at:

R. Dionysius Whiteurs was born in the Bronx and brought up in the hills of Mahwah, NJ. Ron (R. Dionysius) Whiteurs has lived in the New Paltz-Rosendale region since 1966. He is a noted toy collector, music lover, and craftsman of fine costumes and objects. Ron was featured in the short biographic film Trapped in Amber (2006) by Bart Thrall of Big Time Records. He has been published in the Rondout Review, The Poets Gallery, Chronogram, Hunger Magazine, and Wuzz Buzzin (Switzerland). Ron is a member of the Woodstock Poetry Society.

Take a look at Ron's work:

In the Gallery at R&F through July 28th, 2007:

Matthew Kelly’s new work is preoccupied with lines in the environment. It began years ago during a road trip out west, where he noticed that the wide open spaces were broken up and sectioned off by power lines. Kelly thought about how these lines broke the environment up into zones, and noticed how much activity occurred in those zones as objects, shadows and light passed through them. Rather than isolating objects, these spatial separations created relationships between things, and these relationships were continually redefined by one another. It struck Kelly that this was similar to how the painter continually redefines a painting as it reflects and tints the ever-shifting light that hits it moment by moment.

The paintings featured in The Walks all began as linear compositions of how the space on the canvas was to be organized. Then Kelly began to fill the sections in, continuing to balance the predetermined space with layers of transparent color. He worked on several pieces simultaneously, with the aim of creating an intuitive spectrum of colors that would play off of one another in the gallery space. By day, Kelly is Principle Paintmaker for R&F Handmade Paints, so his awareness of color is acute. Built up gradually over a period of time, the paintings inform one another, but each is distinct, and eventually reaches a point where a narrative aspect is revealed. A painting may evolve to remind the artist of struggles, family issues, events or relationships with people. Like members of a studio community, the paintings take on a personality, the DNA of which is determined by composition, color, form, and the struggles associated with bringing it into being.